Friday, February 28, 2014

Your Personal Gym Trainer

Rule 1: Gyms Hope You Sign Up but Never Show Up
It’s absolutely true. Most gyms are actually selling you a membership, asking you to come and join the
club, welcoming you with open arms and big smiles, yet they really don’t ever want to ever see you
again. You would be shocked to find out how many total members there are in your gym. There are
hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people at every fitness club who literally join, go a handful of
times, then never step through the doors again. Ever. A huge percentage continue to have their credit
cards billed month after month, often year after year.
Gym owners love those members.
Of the fraction who do use the gym, there exists an even smaller fraction who are
referred to by management as the “heavy users.” You know who these people are. You may even be
one of them. The so-called hard-core members. They are the ones who do use the gym four, five, six
days a week. Sometimes twice a day. They are getting the most for their money. If you are already one
of those people, great. This book will help you take your workout to an even higher level.
Chances are, however, if you are reading this book, you are not one of these regular
users. You are sporadic. You are like the majority of gym members: after New Year’s, just before
summer, those are the times you go to the gym. Then, inevitably, you fall off. Days, weeks, maybe
even months go by without a single visit.
It all really comes down to motivation and incentive. Who can be motivated when putting
in effort and getting nothing back? When you see results, you suddenly become motivated. Funny how
that works. This page will help you change your body in ways you only dreamed were possible,
regardless of how frequently you use the gym now.
Rule 2: Liste the Pitch, Then Walk Awayn to
Remember that most sales people, no matter what they say as they schmooze you around the facility,
couldn’t care less about whether you lose weight, bulk up, slim down, whatever. All they really care
about is closing the deal. They have monthly goals to hit. They are also on commission. You represent
dollar signs, not much else. Such is life.
So during your initial visit to the gym, sign nothing, no matter how great the deal seems to
be. They’ll throw in free personal training, massages or free months, offer to wash your car, anything
to get you to join right away. Don’t. The fact remains that when you walk out the door that offer will
still be good, regardless of what the salesperson says. More important, the offer will quite often be
made even better after you leave. That person knows you are interested. He or she wants your money.
The first pitch is just the starting point.
Rule 3: Do Not Sign the Contract in the Gym
Take the contract home with you and read it carefully, word for word. There’s lots of small print.
Trust me.
Rule 4: Once You Do Sign Up, It’s Really Hard to Break Up
Ever try to get out of your gym membership? It can be much worse than trying to end a bad
relationship. Many gyms require things like a doctor’s note or proof that you have moved hundreds of
miles away before they will even consider terminating your membership. And when you do end your
contract, you often have to pay for a few months more before you are truly free.
Have the salesperson explain what the exact terms of ending the contract are.

See The Product link On Right to Get The Result Soon

Machine Back Row
Sitting with perfect posture, pull the handles toward you, initiating the movement from your
back. Keep your chest out and press your shoulder blades together. Hold for 1 second, then
slowly return to the starting position.

Machine Shoulder Press
Press the handles up until your arms are fully extended, hold for 1 second, then slowly
return to the starting position.

Machine Lateral Raise

Raise the handles until your arms are in line with your shoulders, hold for 1 second, then
slowly return to the starting position.

Machine Prone Leg Curl

With the pad resting just above your ankles, curl the bar toward your butt, hold for 1 second,
then slowly return to the starting position.

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